Wednesday 29 June 2011

John's Questions

I dropped Deanne from Manly an email about their training sessions. Here are John's questions:

1.       Did you want to become a professional drummer? If so, why?
2.       Which performance have you enjoyed the most?
3.       Which performance has been the hardest?
4.       Which performance has been the longest?
5.       If your friend wanted to become a famous drummer what would you tell them is the key to becoming one?
6.       Why did you choose to become a jazz musician?
7.       Do you enjoy playing any other instruments?
8.       On your drum kit in some of your Swing City photos there is a monkey. Is the monkey significant? Does he or she have a name?
9.       Where did your nick name, The Cat in The Hat, come from?
10.   Where did you grow up?
11.   What occupation did you want to have as a little boy?
12.   Did you ever think that you might not be able to become a professional musician?
13.   Who were your role models?
14.   I read that you fly planes, where do you fly to?
15.   Which type of planes do you fly?
16.   Why did you choose to live in a house boat?
17.   Do you have any hobbies?
18.   Do you watch any sports and, if so, which team/s do you follow?
19.   Do you have a favourite car, or perhaps a dream boat you would like to own?
20.   What is your number #1 motto?

Photos and John and Todd

Like my messy desk???

I have taken some photos of me working. I will put these in a slide show which will show my journey.

I have emailed John his questions and have been getting everything prepared for my interview with him. I have a lot of good things to look forward to now seeing as school finishes on Friday.

I wonder if Todd has gotten my letter? I think he is in Melbourne anyway because he is working with"Dancing with the Stars".

Saturday 25 June 2011

John and Todd

My friends knew which street Todd lives on and told us. From there we worked out the number of his house using the web. I am going to send him a letter since none of the emails that I have sent have worked out. I got a reply from Todd's manager and she said he wasn't doing interviews at the moment. I am still writing to him because letters often get through to people more persuasively then emails. They are more personal because it takes much longer. I added a photo of my dog because I saw that Todd has dogs as well (two retired racing greyhounds).

John has replied quickly to all my emails. I am working on the questions for his interview. Did you know he’s lives on a boat? I am meeting him on Sunday.

Friday 24 June 2011

Kayne Tremill's Interview!!!

Kayne rang me last night at 5 p.m. and it was wicked!!! Here are the questions and his answers:
Me: Why did you want to become a television presenter?
Kayne Tremills: When I was growing up I noticed that drama and stuff was probably my favourite class, it was one that I always rocked up too and had the most energy in. I just really liked entertaining, making funny jokes and a lot of the stuff we used to do in school was improv (improvisation) and your teacher would throw something at you and you would just kind of do it to the best of your ability. In terms of presenting I looked at acting and quite a few of my friends are actors but there is a lot to acting that I didn't really at my age have the experience but television presenting, I looked up to a lot of people growing up, that were in television, and presenting was kind of more where I was at, where I could kind of be myself a bit more as well as bring that energy and that fun kind of stuff. I guess that's kind of why I wanted to get into into it.

Me: On ABC3 who do you enjoy talking to more, James or Amberly?
KT: Wow that's a tough one because Ambo and I have been together for almost two years and we got quite a good friendship and we work really well together, but since James has been around and it's nice to kind of have a boy to muck around with. Bit of boy jokes and how you always get along with a dude and bit better than with a girl. So I think, he's got a good sense of humour and he’s really talented. Every now and then when the cameras kind of off he gives me dancing lessons and stuff. I wouldn't say that I prefer either of them more than the other one because each one has their own special way of being friends.

Me: If your friend wanted to become a television presenter what would you say to them is the key thing to becoming one?
KT: I think at the moment, things have kind of changed a little bit because I'm not only working on studio 3 but kind of around the studio. The job that I've got man is so cool because you get to see how everything works as well as present. So you see how to do your own lighting, your own video and your own camera stuff. Coming back to the question, the key thing I would say is to work hard, which is one of my slogans. I know it looks all fun and games but it’s a lot of the behind the scenes work. Yeah, so the key thing I would say is to work hard.

Me: Do you have any hidden talents?
KT: Probably nothing you haven’t already seen on ABC3… I can lick my own back… No, no I can’t… Ummmmmm…
Me: How good are you at dancing?
KT: Oh, not very. I got my own special moves but that’s about it. I tried breakdancing, I try to look cool when I dance but I know that I look like a bit of a goose.

Me: Oh well. What occupation did you want to have as a little kid?
KT: I either wanted to be….. I actually at one stage I wanted to be a writer. I wanted to write books. But I didn’t really know what I was doing… Yeah you got to have a lot of practice with that. I wanted to do heaps of stuff. I wanted to be a fireman, an actor heaps of stuff. I know I kind of always remember that I wanted to do some sort of entertainment.

Me: Did you ever think that you might not be able to become a television presenter?
KT: Yep definitely. That’s high school man. I worked in a surf store and I loved that. I did workshops for kids about your age and thought I was living dream. I was a bit dumb and was happy having a 9 to 5 job and I totally forgot about my acting dream. At one stage I said that maybe I won’t be on TV maybe it isn’t for me. Then suddenly this ABC3 job and came up!

Me: What city did you grow up in?
KT: Melbourne born and bred brother!

Me: When you tried out for ABC3 did you have to have trials?
KT: Yeah, it went out on the radio and everywhere.  My friend said I should but I was a bit worried and that I’d make a fool of myself.  It was in the last week when I finally put in my form and decided to do it. Then I didn’t hear anything for ages and then suddenly I got a call asking me to do an audition in Port Melbourne and I was like YES! So I went to the audition by myself and that took about two hours which is really long. I thought that they were pretty impressed by me and that I did a good job.  3 weeks later I got another call saying: “How would you like to fly to Sydney to do another audition” and again I was like YES! They flew me up where there was like the final ten. There were people like Hannah Wang, Scott Tweedie and Hex from GGSP. The final 6 of that ten got picked and assigned different roles for ABC3.

Me: Do you have any hobbies?
KT: I skate, watching movies, making funny, short films, surfing, lots of things. I have to say though, as cheesy as it sounds my hobby is my life

Me: What is your favourite type of sport?
KT: Surfing, skating, snowboarding, anything extreme.

Me: Do you have a favourite car?
KT: I’ve been looking for a new car and I wanted a panel van so that I could put a bed in the back and drive Australia.

Me: Do you play any instruments?
KT: Drums and djembe.

Me: What is your favourite skating trick?
KT: Once I did a 360 flip.
Me: Did you ever have a role model?
KT: My Grandpa and Jim Stines.

The interview with Kayne was massive and a huge success!!! Hope you enjoyed reading it. I will put a picture up of him with my face on a piece of paper later.

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Fantastic First Interview!!!

I had my interview with Kayne and it was amazing!!! I'm going to post it later because it will take me a long time to write it all out. I think the phone call went for about 25 minutes...

Saturday 18 June 2011

YAY! Finally going to meet Kayne!!!

On Wednesday I will be meeting Kayne Tremills!!! W00T!!! Excited and nervous at the same time.

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Kayne Tremills

I have agreed with Lucy (Kayne's talent manager) and we are going to maybe have a phone interview sometime next week. I'm really excited seeing as I thought that Kayne would be much harder to find. Now I have to go find some questions to ask Kayne. Wish me luck.

Also, I was going to start another blog. What do you think it should be about???

Watch Out Kayne Tremills I'm Coming!!!

I'm waiting again, except this time I can't be bothered to repeat waiting x3. I've emailed Kayne Tremills's talent manager. She hasn't replied yet but I only sent it 30 minutes ago. Wish me luck but I don't think that they've invented something called second time lucky...

Awesome Game by Manly Sea Eagles!!!

Daly Cherry-Evans scores two tries and the end of this highlights video. Great setting up by Brett Stewart. Now you will see why Daly is one of my favourite players.


Success!!! 1 down 7 to go!!! My friend Will forwarded my email to his inside Manly contact. She replied and invited me down to see a Manly training session during the holidays! Now again I am waiting... waiting... waiting... Except in a good way so I am waiting!!! waiting!!! waiting!!! YAY!!! So I guess that's better than the old waiting. My job now is to try and meet up with John Morrison through my school. Stay tuned for more interesting and totally awesome information!!!

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Why I Find These 8 People Interesting

This post is all about why I find these people that I'm interviewing so interesting. I also forgot to tell you that my singing tutor, (yes i do sing as well as playing drums) Ian may be another person who I shall interview.
Daly Cherry-Evans: He is my football idol and superstar and I have awed him since i raced him down a water slide.
John Morrison: John has been my music idol since I saw him perform at Swing City at my school. He was absolutely amazing.
Todd McKenny: Saw him perform in The Boy From Oz at a theatre and I loathed and loved his voice. I also like to watch Dancing with the Stars and he is one of the judges.
My Grandad: I am amazed everyday by my gift-giving Grandad who everyday coasts along his life always stopping to spend time with the family in between getting appointments at the doctors and walking our dogs.
Wendy Darwin Northcutt: I enjoyed reading her Darwin books and she seems like a really nice, fun person to interview as well as very interesting.
Caesar: I am a big fan of history and Caesar sounded like a good backup as well as an interesting person.
 Kayne Tremills: He seems to be a bit thick in the head but I figured him or any other ABC3 presenter would be happy enough to interview me and it would be great to get an inside peek on the life of a television star.
Ian Fisher: My singing funny singing tutor is a great teacher as well as a doctor who lover. He is fun and energetic and would be great to interview.

Well there you have it, my chosen 8. But, the real question is, will I ever meet any of them? I hope so and hopefully so do you but I have to shower soon so I'm off for now!

Daly Cherry-Evans Here We Come!

I'm sooooo nervous....
I've sent off emails to Manly Sea Eagles and i am waiting... waiting... waiting....
I've also sent off an email to my friend Will asking him for permission and if so, the email address for his inside Manly contact. So again I'm waiting... waiting... waiting...
So if you think about it I'm waiting... x3 x2 because I've sent off two emails...
On the positive side I had an average day at school besides for Mr Anonymous in Anonymous subject. Stay tuned!!!  

Monday 13 June 2011

Homework Time #1

Unfortunately for me (and everyone else who is doing a PIP) i have to do homework for my PIP. I have to write a list of all the things that I need for my interviews. This is what i need (this is week 2's homework but i have nothing to do so I'm doing it now):
  • A blog site
  • A mobile
  • Money
  • To be able to sweet talk
  • A notepad
  • Computer
  • Email address
  • Laptop
  • Sound recorder
  • Camera
  • Research
  • Unique questions for interviews
Is my list any good??? Hope so!!!

Sunday 12 June 2011

PIP Proposal

One of the things that i must do with my PIP is write a proposal. I have to do this to outline what my project is, why i am doing this, what ideas i have for my project, what my end product will be and what i will learn from my project. This is my proposal, do you think that its good?

My project is a blog called "8 Interesting People in 8 Weeks". I have to meet and greet 8 people that I am interested in, in 8 weeks. I will put up photos of me meeting them on my blog and I will put up new posts daily on how I am going.

I have chosen making a blog in this particular area because I will be meeting my heroes and having loads of fun with them. I am quite good with computers and a fast typer so writing it up on a blog will be easy and enjoyable. I plan to meet some of my interesting people in person however if I can't meet them in person I thought that I could meet them on MSN or Skye.

My end product will be a blog with many posts and pictures on it. My blog will be full of captivating words and pictures and an experience of a lifetime. I will talk to everyone about meeting these people and explain how I did it, what was the hardest part and who i enjoyed meeting the most. I will show them my blog and a PowerPoint presentation which will also have pictures of me with my heroes and an experience of a lifetime.

I want to learn from completing this project how to, sweet talk people into giving you phone numbers and private information which they weren't supposed to give away, photos that will help me remember when I was in year 7 and did my PIP, and a lifetime skill called blogging.

Woke up this Morning Full of Ideas!!!

I woke up this morning and my head was full of ideas!!! I had thought of another interesting person, Todd McKenney from "Dancing with the Stars"!!! I also thought of some ways to meet and greet my interesting people.
Daly Cherry-Evans:
I have been a sea eagles member for two years now and every time Manly has a home game we get an email from the coach. I could reply to that email and explain what i am doing.
I also know a man called Will who knows someone who does promotional things for Manly Sea Eagles and i know Will quite well so, i believe that he could and i could arrange something with manly.
John Morrison:
I am not sure if he is in Australia at the moment, however he has played charity events at my school and i could find out who arranged for him to come there. If he is not in Australia though, i could use MSN or Skye to meet him!!!

Saturday 11 June 2011

Why do this?

Today I started to look into my PIP project. I had come up with a couple of ideas but none of them were very good. I came up with, making a bike, doing something with music, something with wing suit flying and getting a skydiving license. The skydiving license was off the list straight away since you need to be 16 to do it solo and 14 to do it tandem style. Since I'm 12 it was way out of my league. Wing suit flying is interesting but it wasn't going anywhere and the music idea wasn't going anywhere either. When i had a closer look at the bike idea i realised it was much harder than it seemed. After 15 minutes of solid silence my dad and i put our ideas together and came up with the idea of 8 Interesting People in 8 Weeks which is how long i have to do my PIP. I then decided to do it in a blog.

 After celebrating on our success we then realised that this would be much harder than it seemed. I would have to meet, photograph and interview 8 interesting people and these people would have to be interesting so my Mum and Dad don't really count (even though they kind of are).
 These are the people i came up with for my starting target list:
Daly Cherry-Evans (favourite NRL player)
John Morrison  (famous drummer) (met him once)
My Grandad (who is one of the most amazing people in the world... I think)
Wendy Darwin Northcutt (author of the Darwin awards series)
Cesar (who i am going to google search)
Kayne Tremills (ABC3 TV presenter) (or any other TV presenter)
I need two more people so if anyone could suggest them that would be nice!

Just to let you know, i decided to do a blog because i thought that it would be a really interesting way to do my log book (which is part of my assignment), i get to meet famous people that I'm interested in and i get to create my first blog as well as sharing my experiences with all of you readers.